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Welcome to my ePortfolio


Hi! You may be wondering what kind of page you stumbled upon. This project, an immersion experience, was part of my first year honors English course at IUPUI. 

This immersion experience required us to step out of our comfort zones and explore the world a little more. I chose to attend an Alcoholic's Anonymous meeting; something I had never done before nor had any exposure prior to this experience. As a result of this experience, along with two prior read/watch-and-respond essays, this page is the final accumulation of essays and writing projects which made up the English course.


I chose this picture to represent my experience because many people who fall prey to alcoholism end up losing not only their health but their jobs, relationships with friends and family, as well as losing themselves; who they used to be.

This photo is a hyperlink to my feature article. Out of respect of the anonymity of the meeting, I changed all the names mentioned from their real name.

This photo is a hyperlink to my argumentative essay about why Alcoholic's Anonymous is effective in the recovery process for an alcoholic.
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